Thursday, June 30, 2022

Module 3: Digital Storytelling & Podcast

 History of Digital storytelling

Believe it or not, Digital storytelling is not a new practice. In fact, it has been around for several years. The co-founder of the Center for Digital Storytelling which is a nonprofit, community arts organization in Berkley, California is Joe Lambert (Burns, K.). The organization has been assisting individuals the ability to share their creations since the early 1900’s (Burns, K.).


What is Digital Storytelling?

Digital storytelling is a way to create a story through the implementation of videos, photos, and audio using computer-based tools. Like traditional stories, digital stories focus on a specific topic. Digital stories can vary in length but are typically between 2 and 10 minutes in an educational setting. With digital stories a wide range of topics can be implemented. You can write about personal experiences, Fairy Tales, poetry, and so much more!


Benefits of Digital storytelling in Education: (Alrubail, 2015)

Digital storytelling can be extremely beneficial for all students. Some of the main benefits for English Language Learners include:

·      Student communication

o   Digital storytelling allows individuals to express their ideas through the use of digital tools such as photos, videos, and audio recordings. This is extremely beneficial because of how convenient it will be for students to express themselves especially students who may not be strong writers. Digital stories will help those students convey their messages in a more appropriate way.

·      Critical thinking & Creativity

o   Digital stories allow students the ability to think about why the idea or experience is important to them as well as how it can relate to them. Many students may not realize it but when they are composing a digital story, they are using their creativity to do so. 

·      Writing skills

o   Writing may not be the most preferred task in the classroom which is why digital stories are so beneficial. Digital Storytelling allows individuals the ability to share their thoughts and feelings using limited wording. The process for creating a digital story is similar to the writing process. (Alrubail, 2015)


What is the Eight-Step digital storytelling process?  (Alrubail, 2015)

1.     Generate and idea and go from there

2.     Research to learn about the topic

3.     Write out a script

4.     Create a storyboard

5.     Compile or create digital media

6.     Assemble all the parts into a digital story

7.     Share with others

8.     Reflect on the experience and give feedback


What type of digital stories can be created?

·      Fairy Tales

·      Green Screens

·      Personification stories

·      Animal interviews

·      Historical journals

·      Book trailers

Why incorporate digital stories in the classroom setting?

The implementation of technology in the school setting has been advancing through the years! As an educator I believe technology to be an effective classroom tool. Digital storytelling can be beneficial to students as well as teachers. As an educator we know that all children learn differently. Digital stories can appeal to divers learning styles, allowing instructors to present abstract or conceptual information in a more understandable way (Bouchrika, 2021). Digital storytelling allows students the ability to participate in the classroom as well improve their listening skills to take in information that is being presented. Storytelling is also beneficial because it allows students to present their learning to their class peers. The University of Houston’s College of Education asserts that digital storytelling “provides a strong foundation in many different types of literacy, including information literacy, visual literacy, technological literacy, and media literacy.” Brown et al (2005) labeled these types of literacy as “Twenty-First Century Literacy” skills (Bouchrika, 2021).



 Alrubail, R. (n.d.). Empowering ells with Digital Stories. Learning for Justice. Retrieved June 29, 2022, from

Bouchrika, I. (2021, September 29). Digital Storytelling: Benefits, examples, Tools & Tips. Retrieved June 30, 2022, from

Burns, K. (n.d.). What is digital storytelling? Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. Retrieved June 30, 2022, from

Digital story. (n.d.). Retrieved June 30, 2022, from





Thursday, June 23, 2022

Module 2: Blogging for English Language Learners

Over the last five years as a special education teacher, specifically autistic support, I have taught a pretty diverse group of learners. I have yet to roster an English language learner student but I did have a student whose parents’ primary language was Spanish. The student’s primary language was English, but she was also learning Spanish at home and sign language in the school setting. There were many resources available to me to help not only the student but to make communication with the mother easier. The school district I work for does have a translator. The translator at my district would attend meetings, and be available if I needed any other assistance.


The History of Blogs: 

Blogs have been around longer than most people realize. The first blog ( was actually created in 1994, by a Swarthmore College student Justin Hall (Forsey, 2022). At the time it was just considered a personal homepage. 3 years later in 1997, a blogger for Robot Wisdom, Jorn Barger introduced the word, “weblog” to the world (Forsey, 2022). Weblog was meant to describe his process for “logging the web” as he explored the internet. By 1999 Weblog was shortened to “blog” by programmer Peter Merholz (Forsey, 2022).


What is a blog?

A blog is a platform that individuals can implement for professional and/or personal needs to post content online. The content shared could be anything you’d like such as your favorite hobby, anything that interest you or that you are passion about such as makeup, traveling, working out, dieting, etc. Professional blogs can be used for a variety of reasons but typically they are used to promote a business or make money. Personal blogs are typically compared to diaries because you tend to share your thoughts and personal experiences (Camilleri, J., 2019).


Blogging Benefits in Education:

Blogging is a very power tool in and of itself. Whether it’s a personal or professional blog, blogging has the power to unleash learning, reflection, and communication (Alrubail 2015). In my five years of teaching in a public-school setting and several years of teaching in a pre-k setting one thing I have learned over the years is that students love to express themselves! Blogs give students the ability to do just that, express themselves! Blogs also allow students the opportunity to demonstrate ownership by being engaged and active in their own learning. Blogging is great for making connections among peers. Some students have the potential to be extremely shy and may not participate often in class but blogs can allow all students to connect with their peers by commenting on the blog (18, A. on F., 21, T. on M., 16, L. on M., 21, stephanie on O., & 6, on J., 2021)


The blogging benefits for English Language Learners:

How is Blogging beneficial for ELL students? A classroom blog in an ELL classroom can help with the following: (Alrubail 2015).


·      Clarification

·      Understanding

·      Communication

·      Language development

·      Parent/student engagement


Content Suggestions: (Alrubail 2015).


·      List the daily routine/schedule

·      Posting assignments

·      Posting class photos and videos

·      Include links to various resources

·      Vocabulary lists


Incorporating Blogs in the Classroom:

I truly believe that Incorporating blogs into classroom settings can be beneficial for all students. Most of the benefits and content that I discussed for English-Language Learners could also benefit other students as well, such as students at the elementary level, secondary level, and even special education students. Blogs are also beneficial for teachers and parents/guardians. The amount of knowledge I have gained in regards to blogs and incorporating them in the classroom setting makes me want to create a classroom blog for the 2022-2023 school year. My motto has always been, “Work Smarter, Not Harder and I think implementing a classroom blog will help me achieve that!




18, A. on F., 21, T. on M., 16, L. on M., 21, stephanie on O., & 6, on J. (2021, April  27). Benefits of blogging for students. Lumos Learning. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from

Alrubail, R. (2015, March 16). Blogging for English-language learners. Edutopia. Retrieved

      June 22, 2022, from


Benefits of blogging in Education. NSU. (n.d.). Retrieved June 23, 2022, from

Camilleri, J., Says, [E. P., says, J. C., says, L., says, K. @ A. U., says, J. T., says, I., says, J., says, K. M., says, L. I. by J., says, D., Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit says, says, J. W., & says, J. (2019, September 30). Personal blogging vs professional blogging. Middle Aged Mama. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from 

Forsey, C. (2022, April 1). What is a blog, & why should you create one. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from 

Module 2 Course Content

Module 6: Gamification in the classroom

As an educator I am constantly trying to find ways to keep my classroom up to par especially with the most recent technology. Who would have...